Learn More About Us


How can I apply to participate in Collab?
Collab has a limited number of slots available for participating artists. Participation is by invitation. Please submit the Artist Application on this website to be considered. The application is located under the Get In Touch section.

When is the 2024 Auction?
This year's Charity Art Auction will be held on Saturday November 9th, 2024 from 4pm-7:30pm

Where can I get tickets?
Tickets are for sale on Eventbrite. Click Here

How Can I Become A Sponsor?
Becoming a sponsor is simple. Reach out to us through the contact form and let us know how you can help. Whether it's  making a financial contribution or donating services or supplies, you can help make a difference!

Can I volunteer?
Absolutely! We value the dedication and support of volunteers who contribute to the success of our organization. If you have a passion for the arts, enjoy engaging with the public, or possess specific skills that can benefit our operations, we encourage you to volunteer! 

What kind of volunteer roles are available?
We offer a range of volunteer roles to match different interests and skill sets. These may include assisting with the annual art auction, helping with educational programs, special events, or even behind-the-scenes tasks for the organization. We will find the best fit based on your skills and preferences and the current needs of the organization.

How do I volunteer?
Reach out to us through our contact form and tell us you would like to volunteer. Let us know your interests and skills so we can find a good fit.


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